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SSNP & Divisions Header- S.SNP

S.Shadow's Natural Photography & Division's:

A: Staff & reporters rights: ID Badge & legal Document Is issued by S.SNP (SsnP)

B: International Press/Media rights
rights Effective locations; Non-Optional:
Earth's Core to Earth's Moon ( Any Nation, global  And or country)

1.Free/Entrance/Admission to: Without Prior Registration or Notification: 
- A) Public Property, Public Access Property, Press & Media Friendly Properties;
Includes and is not limited to events held on these properties.


2.The rights TO:
A: Photograph and Film any manner of content or subject matter:

Applicable to Properties list in 1-A)
B: Publish any manner of content in its original intended format;

Ranging from but not limited to:
Various stages of Nudity, People From Events without consent, exposing Company secrets,

entire digital content layouts, (insert very long list here).

C: To verify the identity of anyone Who Wants:
C-1: To use S.SNP & Division's Services

C-2: Obtaining A Copy of photos, photojournalism, and or content By S.SNP & Divisions

3. As Defined by S.SNP; All Reasonable Disability Accommodations are to be met for:

S.SNP disabled staff, assets and or Investments. 


4. S.SNP & Divisions Staff( S.SNP PRESS & CCCD Staff included) Rights: 
A: Can't be excluded or banned from any property
B: All Staff have: see item #9; Rights

4-1: At conventions or events;( Free of charge):
A: Fast Pass to/thru  All Lines
B: 5-minute meet and greet To All Special & or Celebrity Guests

C: 1 S.SNP PRESS & CCCD's Superman Shadow gets to take 1 publicity photo

per Special Guest & Celebrity Guest met. (More if the Special & or Celebrity Guest asks)
D: Can't be banned, removed or refused from any convention/event for any reason


5. S.SNP & Divisions (Staff Included)
A: Is(are) Not Required To fill out any event or conventions Registration form.
B: have the right to submit S.SNP & Divisions Press Registration form(Notice of attendance);
Should your event require Press registration:
A-1: A Post of event coverage Is Posted On S.SNP & Divisions Calendar of Events  
B-2: A Facebook event(press announcement)
C-3: An Email Notice of attendance can be sent to the event (If requested).
D-4: A PDF Copy Of that Press Announcement can be sent to the event (If requested).

E-5: Read item #1,6 and 7:
Events and or conventions have the responsibly to check S.SNP News & Web site; Printing Registration.


6. S.Shadow's Natural Photography & Divisions has the right to request and obtain;

Free of charge; Any events and or conventions following badges/tickets:
A: Press/Media Badge
B: Pro Pass/ Badge

C: Entrance Badge/Ticket

7: S.Shadow's Natural Photography's & Divisions Company Badge Counts as the following:

A: Press/Media Badge
B: Pro Pass/ Badge

C: Entrance Badge/Ticket
D: SEE (
Items 1 & 4): No Proper Signs posted?;

No Con/event Badge is Required for entry By S.SNP & Division's Staff.

E: Legal Identification: S.SNP & Divisions Checks all identities before issuing a Badge
F: A Permit and license to See: (
2.The rights TO:)

G: Fee/cover charge waiver


8. If a Convention or Event Fails to
A: Respond within S.SNP & Divisions Ticket purchase time frame
(30 days-8 months before an event/ Convention)
B: If the tickets or badge has to be paid for:
C: A convention/event fails to Honor the rights of S.SNP & Divisions (Staff Included) contained within this rights card and S.SNP & Division's T.O.S/T.A.C/B.P.R./P.R.P
The following can occur:
1- S.SNP & Division's Chief Of Staff on behalf of S.SNP & Divisions:
has the right to obtain a full cash refund or V.I.P Upgrade at the event or convention

2- Can Obtain a nation based or within a nation based law enforcement officer or security officer for law enforcement escort into, to and from any con/event for the entire event.

9:S.SNP & Divisions Staff are classified as;
S.SNP PRESS & CCCD Staff are classified as:

A: International Citizens Of Earth
B: International Non-Participant Reporters / Casual Observer Reporters.
C: International Disabled Citizens Of Earth ( If Disabled)
They are exempt from:
A: Any nation based laws or laws within a nation.
B: Riot Control Method's:
Read S.SNP & Division's T.O.S/T.A.C/B.P.R./P.R.P for extraction methods.

10. S.SNP Press & CCCD does reserve the right to; 

11. All Photo Content, Journalism content, And S.SNP Owned content are subject only To: 

12.S.SNP & Division's Staff Have all the rights listed above and held within:

 Read S.SNP & Division's T.O.S/T.A.C/B.P.R./P.R.P For 10-12

Do not wish to comply?; Think you don't have to comply? Etc?:
S.SNP & Divisions can charge anyone within Earth's Core to Earth's Moon; any Event Rental Center, Convention Center, City/ Country Government Equipment/ Asset/Investment Damage Charges. And can take everything from you.

NOTE: BY international press laws(And other laws)
Any Event held on or in Public Property, Public Access Property,

Press & Media Friendly Properties agrees to follow the above rights:

If you feel you can't or don't have to;

you have to ban all forms of Press and media; This includes and is not limited to; 

all types of Photographers, Bloggers, Snap chatters, Facebook Live, etc.

Since S.Shadow's Natural Photography & Divisions knows you won't

ban about 90% of your publicity. 98% Of you will follow the rights and rules listed above.

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